We can all get better. All of us. Better teachers, better spouses, better friends, better parents, better people.
The only thing standing in the way is our willingness to do the work.
The problem is that we get comfortable with who we are and with our accomplishments. We get comfortable with being good enough.
"I've taught for 20 years, and my students are successful. Why should I change? The way I teach is already good enough."
Because you can be a better teacher, and your students deserve it.
"We've been married for 20 years, and we're happy as we are. Why should I change? My marriage is already good enough."
Because you can be a better spouse, and your spouse deserves it.
"My kids are grown and they're good people. Why should I change? My kids are already good enough."
Because you can be a better parent, and your children deserve it.
"We've been friends for 20 years and it's a great friendship. Why should I change? Our friendship is already good enough."
Because you can be a better friend, and your friend deserves it.
Growth stops the second we think we're good enough. It happens in our students as well.
"I can get a 15% on my final exam and still keep my A. Why should I study? What I've already done is good enough."
We need to stop focusing on being good enough, and start focusing of working every day to be our best. Will we ever get there? No. But the destination of "best" is not the goal. Being constantly engaged in striving to be our best is the goal. The joy is in the journey.
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