Wednesday, June 26, 2019


I'm at Phillips Exeter Academy this week in Exeter, New Hampshire, attending the annual Anja Greer Conference on Mathematics and Technology, and leading one of the week-long courses.  This is one of several conferences on campus this week, and if you ever get the chance to attend I highly recommend it. This is my sixth time here, and the quality of the sessions and keynote speakers is truly unsurpassed.

One of the people I met here several years ago is Ron Lancaster, a professor at the University of Toronto, where he teaches math teaching methods courses.  Ask anyone who has met him: Ron is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet.  In talking with Ron a bit this week on several different occasions, he stated what is obvious to everyone at the conference but often goes unspoken: "We are fortunate to be here."

It struck me how often in our day this same sentiment is true but goes unsaid.  Uncomfortable as any particular day may be, take a good, honest look around at your home, your school, and so on, and most of us will come to the conclusion that for all of the complaining we do, things really aren't so bad.  Imagine the difference it would make if we reminded ourselves of this every morning, and then throughout the day. Let's be honest.  The complaining isn't really doing us any good, so why not try something else?

So, starting tomorrow morning, repeat the following as needed:
We are fortunate to be here.

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